Certified prosthetic and orthotic shop with modern technology
The certified prosthetic and orthotic shop is our trademark since the companys foundation. Our highly qualified staff produces state of the art prosthetics and orthotics. We also provide a close and confinding support with local doctors and hospitals.
In our state oft he art prosthetic studio, we design prosthetics with the newest technologies.
Prosthetics – upper extremity
Our team is skilled to create prosthetics for the upper extremity for kids and adults.
In the field of the neuro Orthotics, we are specialized to create with our Know-how and our experience all kind of costum made orthotics.
Pediatric Orthopedics
We are also specialized in designing children orthotics and Prosthetics.
Sensomotorik und Propriozeption
Gehen, Laufen, Bewegung in jeder Form sind zentral-nervös geregelte, adaptierte Prozesse.